Curriculum Intent
Through our teaching of a Modern Foreign Language, we aim to:
- Allow all of our children to experience a common language, different to their own, that is practical and enjoyable.
- Give children an interest and passion for learning a new European language and to further their curiosity of other languages.
- For children to recognise the differences between their own language and the structure of different languages.
- Support their understanding of their own language.
- Develop language skills and language learning skills.
- Help children develop their awareness of cultural similarities and differences in other countries.
- Increase children’s speaking and listening skills.
- Give children the foundations for language learning that they can use in the future.
- Experience a range of activities, including songs, rhymes and games, which provide a stimulated approach to language learning.
The children will be taught to:
- ask and answer questions;
- use correct pronunciation;
- memorise words and interpret meaning;
- understand basic grammar;
- make use of bilingual dictionaries;
- work in pairs and groups to communicate in a foreign language;
- explore different cultures and the traditions from different countries.
The school follows a scheme of work developed by a specialist teacher. This is based on the National Curriculum requirements and ensures appropriate progression between year groups in relation to all areas of language acquisition.
When Planning Spanish:
- The specialist teacher will be responsible for planning.
- Planning will take place in conjunction with the class teacher, who will support the specialist teacher in their delivery and assessment of MFL.
- Lessons will have clear, achievable objectives, and incorporate different learning styles.
- Activities are designed to motivate and engage all children.
As with all our subject teaching, we do not teach MFL in isolation to other curriculum areas; where possible, we relate the work undertaken to real life situations and we also aim to:
- Improve pupils' skills in other curriculum areas
- Develop pupils' thinking skills.
- Promote pupils' awareness and understanding of gender, cultural, spiritual and moral issues.
- Develop pupils as active and responsible citizens within their own and wider communities.