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Gordon Primary School

All different, All equal, All learning together

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Gordon Primary School


Remote Learning Information

Please use the attached remote learning grid to direct your child’s learning while school is closed. The learning activities are listed for each day, and include English, Maths and Topic / Science activities.  The activities are designed to consolidate learning that has already taken place, while also enabling children to think about learning that will be taking place during the summer term.  There are three activities set each day.  These should be completed in the home learning book that was provided.


Regular Reading, Spelling and Maths (at least 3 times per week)

In addition to the daily learning activities, your child should continue to practise reading, spelling and number work, at least three times per week.


  • The High Frequency Words your child is learning to read and write are in the back of the reading record. Your child should practise reading and writing these words regularly
  • Using the 100 square below, your child can practise counting to 20 and beyond and writing the numbers correctly
  • Your child has been provided with a school reading book, please continue to read this with them and to read other age-appropriate books you have at home

Gordon Primary School

Golfe Road, Ilford, EssexIG1 1SU
