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Gordon Primary School

School Meals and Packed Lunches

School Meals

From 1st September 2022, school meals at Gordon Primary School have been provided by Pabulum Catering. Currently, for all children from Reception - Year Six, there is no cost for a school lunch. You will need to book your child’s meals in advance each week. When booking your child’s meal, you will be able to choose from the menu options available each day, up to 4 weeks in advance.


All parents new to our school receive an activation letter for ParentPay confirming login details. When you receive this letter, please ensure you login to ParentPay and activate your account as soon as possible.  Once your account is activated, you will be able to manage your child’s lunch bookings each day, for the term ahead.


In the link below is a short video on how to book your child’s meals through the ParentPay app. Please watch this so that you know what steps you need to take.


The menus are available to view online now.


If you have any questions relating to your child’s lunch bookings, please contact Pabulum Catering on 01252 819991 or via email to

Apply for Free School Meals

To apply for Free School Meals, click on the link below. Please come into school if you would like to discuss your application or need help with the form and one of our team will assist you.


Since 6 April 2010, the income 'threshold', which forms part of the 'Tax Credit' free school meal eligibility category has been changed to £16,190. Children whose parents receive the following support payments are entitled to receive free school meals:


  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • An income-related employment and support allowance
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or
  • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) that as of 6 April 2010 does not exceed £16,190


Note: From 1 May 2009 where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school lunches.


To apply for Free School Meals, you will need to create an account to check for eligibility. Please click on the link to do this: 


If you need any support, contact the school office.

Packed Lunches

Healthy Eating: Small Changes can make a Big Difference!

There are always ways we can improve our children’s diets and help them to lead healthier lives. Here are some simple ideas to get you started:


    1. Make one change at a time.

    2. Always include a starchy food such as bread, pasta or rice, in each meal.

    3. Peel or chop fruit and vegetables and put them in a small pot or bag to increase the chances of   

        your child eating them.

    4. If your child likes sweet foods, swap a chocolate bar for raisins or grapes. If they prefer savoury

        foods, swap the crisps and give them crunchy carrot sticks or plain popcorn.

    5. Swap sugary squash and juice drinks for water or milk. Do not send juice into school with your

        child’s packed lunch – water only!

    6. Swap processed cheese for real cheeses like Edam or cheddar.


    Top Tips for Healthy Lunch Boxes

    Check out these top tips for an easier and healthier lunchbox life:


        1. Keep a selection of breads in the freezer for sandwiches and defrost them when needed. 

        2. Cook extra pasta, rice or potatoes, when preparing your evening meal, to make into an effortless

            and tasty salad for lunch the next day.

        3. Prepare carrot, cucumber or celery sticks the night before while cooking dinner, to save on

            washing up and time.

        4. Set a good example at home by showing the children you enjoy the healthy foods you are

            providing in their lunchbox.

        5. Enough plain popcorn can be made easily and quickly in the microwave for several days, to save

            precious time.


    For health and safety reasons, glass items, fizzy drinks or products which contain nuts are NOT allowed. Lunch boxes should not contain sweets, chocolate, cake or crisps.

    Gordon Primary School

    Golfe Road, Ilford, EssexIG1 1SU
